Rian Songnam LP Phrom Copper Material

Rian Songnam LP Phrom


Rian Songnam LP Phrom 2517 Wat Chongkae. Original & beautiful condition. Classic look.

Rian LP Phrom Roon Tam Boon Song Nam BE2517

Rian Roon Song Nam is the last batch which Luang Phor consecrated in April BE2517 (Luang Phor Phrom passed away on 30 Jan BE2518). Luang Phor Phrom consecrated this batch of amulet for 8 day. After completed the 8 days blessing ceremony, it is then open to the public to rent and amazingly the amulet were all rented out on the same day. This batch of medal is build as a souvenir in merit making for bathing Luang Phor Phrom on 9 April BE2517. The copper material was rent at a price of 5 Bath each at that time.

  • The characteristic of the medal Rian Song Nam have the characteristic similar with Rian Roon Chalong Ayuk 90 Pee especially behind. You can say that it come from the same block and the same phim. Observing the medal behind of Song Nam, the base is not smooth, lose and have traces mark of rough and unevenness. With small pit all over the back it is called Sand Skin, which cannot occur from pressing the metal which has not been smoothened. It will only occur from stamping from the original block. Understanding that the original block is what behind of Ayuk 90 Pee polished and decorated skin and adding of number 90 pee. This is used to compare with the stamping of Rian Roon Song Nam. Song Nam has the size which is a little bigger than Ayuk 90 Pee.
  • Amount build

Bell Material – 19 medals.

Stainless Steel Material – 21 medals.

Copper Material – 3,300 medals.

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